I emphasize transience: the constantly changing nature of materials and the constantly changing nature of the viewer’s direct experience.
I choose materials that are capable of dramatic visual transformation: wood, steel, paper, liquid and glass. By putting these materials through the same process repeatedly, I highlight the infinite variety, unpredictability and lack of control that are so characteristic of the natural world. The use of repetition serves to underline the truth that there is no repetition in fact.
By incorporating natural processes such as rusting, burning or reflecting, there is an implication that change is inevitable and cannot be avoided. The requirement, for example, that mild steel be repeatedly polished in order to maintain a reflective surface accentuates the fact that nothing ever stays the same, regardless of any desire to hold it still.
Through the use of a minimalist aesthetic, the greater simplicity, geometry and uncomplicated display of materials allows the viewer to more easily appreciate change and difference at a subtle level.
In recent work the emphasis has shifted to the ever changing nature of direct experience, as opposed to the notion of a permanently existing art object. Thus circumstance and context become integral aspects of the work. The ‘same’ thing is repeated and placed in two different situations; a threshold and a wall. The changing context affects the way in which each is perceived and experienced so that it is not the same thing in fact.